
The legal forms you are receiving from this website come with no warranty of any kind and are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. They are free legal self-help. They are most likely not as good as hiring an attorney for your legal needs and are offered here as an interim resource to the community until you have time to get permanent estate planning done. The advantages of hiring an attorney, over the free legal self-help, include the ability to discuss options and customize for you. Utilizing free legal forms takes away this option. The attached free forms should not be customized.

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We welcome the receipt of electronic mail. Please be advised, however, that the act of sending electronic mail to our attorneys does not alone create an attorney-client relationship. We will neither accept requests for legal advice nor offer specific legal advice over the Internet.

This website may be deemed an advertisement for John Palley, Attorney at Law pursuant to the laws of State Bar ethical rules of some states.  Anybody viewing this website should take this into account and select their attorney based on their own due diligence and research.

This firm is licensed to practice law in the state of California.

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