Reverse Estate Planning to get a step up in basis

I heard a great presentation recently by a CPA. He was talking about, what he calls, “reverse estate planning.” Say what? Well, we all know that the focus in estate planning has changed from estate taxes (death taxes) to capital gains tax (income taxes). This CPA had a great idea to improve people’s basis. As he explained we can each give away $5.43m right now. Most of us will never get close to that much in assets. Thus, using our federal gift tax exemption is not as taboo as it used to be. That is, assuming we believe Washington D.C. when they say these laws are “permanent.”

Let’s back up a little bit. Under current laws when a person dies the assets they own receive a step up in tax basis for capital gains purposes. So, if you own a property worth $500,000 but purchased for $100,000 you have a $400,000 gain on sale when you sell it. However, if you die, owning that property, your basis (actually your heir’s basis) steps up to the date of death value; i.e. $500,000. They can then sell it for $500,000 and pay ZERO TAX.

This expert’s idea is to look at your dying parent’s, grandparents, or other loved ones a bit differently. Yes it’s sad but you know those loved ones love two things: 1) YOU and 2) helping family avoid taxes! That’s universal, right!?

The plan is you have this property with $100,000 basis. It can be stock, real estate, or anything else. At least one year before death you gift it to grandma, mom, dad, whoever it is. Obviously, you have to trust that they will give it back to you when they die via their will or trust.

As long as they live that year, so it’s not deemed a “death bed gift,” you will get a full step up in basis. That’s right! You just saved yourself $100,000 in taxes approximately! WOW!

Obviously, this is a very technical procedure with pitfalls. It’s not to taken lightly. Talk to your tax adviser and your estate planning attorney.

Good luck with your estate planning… and REVERSE ESTATE PLANNING!


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